Love Lessons from a Rooster

7 min readJan 16, 2023

Lila and I have been living in Mexico for two years and 8 days and I cannot count the lessons that have presented themselves to me since we landed. Pretty much every day I receive an opportunity to clarify who I am (or who I want to be), to let go of what no longer serves me (or maybe never did), and to shed layer after layer of outdated opinions, patterns, ways of being, beliefs or illusions. It’s exhausting, it’s exhilarating and it’s so darn real. Little by little my life has become both brighter, and more peaceful. I regularly do things I never thought I would do, and say things I never thought I would say,

Such as: “So, I took a shower with the rooster.”

The Rooster.

My house got finished about 20 hours before some of my kids arrived for the holidays, the stucco on the tiny guest house still a little wet. Ensued two love-filled weeks which gently morphed the house into a Home. Back from taking them to the airport, I could feel both the big hole that was left behind and the invitation to finally live here, to take it in and settle into the embrace. No more workers coming and going, no more construction piles in the yard. I could hardly believe it and many times in the last couple of weeks, I have shaken my head in awe of the whole thing.

Lila, Tiji and I eased into a sweet routine, friends visited, I was finally…




Written by Laura

Born/raised in France, adulted in the U.S., now living in a Mexican village. Happiness Coach. Teacher. TEDx Speaker. Dancing with Life’s Magic & Being Guided.

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